Friday, June 14, 2013

Successful Strategies for Flying with Kids

Planning makes it easy to fly with little ones.
Over the years, my husband and I have flown with our young kids on family vacations. Successfully taking little ones into the skies requires some planning and organization. These handy tips will help you turn flying into a positive travel strategy for your family.

Practice Makes Perfect: No matter the ages of your kids, get them used to traveling and being “on the go.” Since most of us can’t take practice trips in a plane, make sure your little ones have lots of experience traveling in the car. Kids who travel well in the car will most likely do well on an airplane.

Make the Most of Your Stroller.  Managing babies and toddlers in the airport is much easier with a stroller, especially with some of the long distances that must be traveled between checking in, security, and your departure gate. An added bonus is that you can stow some of your carry-on baggage in the lower part of your stroller, depending on the design. Most airlines will allow you to take the stroller right up to the plane and then check it gateside. Check your specific airline’s policies before departing.

Take Your Car Seat With You. If you’re concerned about an appropriate car seat for your child once you arrive at your destination, know that most airlines allow you to check a car seat for free. Confirm this with your airline before departure, of course. Some car rental companies will rent car seats, but you never know what the quality of the seat will be. Taking your own along allows you to transport your child without cause for concern.

Use the Facilities Before Boarding. Get the kids ready for boarding with a timely visit to the restroom. Even if kids say they don’t need to go, make this part of the process non-negotiable. Follow the same process with baby’s diaper change. The time between boarding and take-off can be miserable for little ones who need a diaper change or have to use the restroom. Also, changing a diaper on an airplane is less than ideal, so try to be strategic with your timing.

Board Early.  If your airline allows pre-boarding for families with young children, take advantage of that option. Don’t feel guilty about getting on the plane before everyone else. The pre-board gives you time to get situated on the plane before a long line of passengers flood in.

Pack the Essential Gear: Pack plenty of onboard entertainment for your brood. This includes books, toys, small games, coloring books, and personal electronics. Have a good supply of snacks and drinks ready, too. Coming with the right equipment helps keep everyone happy and content.

Sometimes baby will sleep on the plane.
Lucky parents!
Pack Light: Hauling a baby or toddler through an airport can be strenuous enough as it is. Try to take only what is needed for the first few days of the trip, and then buy items along the way as you travel. Consumables like diapers, food, sunscreen, and beauty products are better purchased once the final destination has been reached. If you stay in one place for awhile, explore the option of renting equipment for baby or the beach. If possible, do laundry halfway through the trip. All these things make the luggage less cumbersome, and it means you’re hauling less.

Prepare for the Ear Popping. The ascent and descent of the plane can be a painful experience for little kids’ ears. For babies, try to nurse or give a small bottle or during lift-off and landing. Older kids can chew gum or eat a small snack. The chewing and sucking motions of these activities will help those little ears to pop and will keep kids happier.

Don’t rule out flying just because you have young kids in your family. It can be a fast and fun option when you plan in advance.

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