Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bye, Bye Summer...Hello, School!

Summer is over, and parents everywhere must work to get their kids back into the school time routine. Here are a few things you can do to move from the summer mindset to a school mindset.

1. Set a regular bedtime. Late bedtimes and sleeping in may work in the summer, but this type of routine doesn’t equal success for the school year. Pick a bedtime and stick with it no matter how much the kids might want to stay up late. Not only does this ensure your kids get an adequate amount of sleep, it gives mom and dad some quiet time in the evenings.

2.  Make homework a priority. With school starting, many extra-curriculars start up again, too. However, keep homework at the top of the priority list. Make sure kids know it should be completed every night, no exceptions. It’s the child’s responsibility to keep track of homework and to get it completed with minimal assistance from parents. If grades start to slip, then cut back on the extra-curricular activities.

3.  Provide quiet study space. In addition to making homework the priority, ensure that kids have a quiet place to study and do homework. Keep the TV off and music low during homework time.

4.  Eat dinner as a family. This may not seem to have anything to do with school routines, but it’s just one more routine that helps to set a schedule in the evenings. Plus, this gives the family time to talk about the day and to share information. Kids who participate in regular evening mealtimes learn how to hold conversation with adults and how to use table manners. All of these skills are beneficial for the future.

5.  Prepare clothes at bedtime. Nothing makes for a crazy morning like running around looking for clothes and shoes. Lay all these out the night before to save time in the morning. This is a good tip for the adults, too.

6.  Pack backpacks at night. In addition to clothes, have the backpacks and lunches ready to go before heading to bed. In the morning, kids just pick up the packs and walk out the door. This helps lessen stress in the mornings.

7.  Teach kids to use an alarm clock. As kids reach late elementary school, they can begin to use an alarm clock. Not only does this help teach responsibility, it’s one less thing that mom and dad have to do in the mornings. Basic alarm clocks aren’t expensive and are easy to use.

8.  Use a calendar. Train your children to write important dates and events on the family calendar. A calendar that’s located in a central area, such as the kitchen, provides a convenient place for everyone to write and check upcoming events. This also helps train kids on using time management devices.

9.  Limit screen time. Only allow screen time, such as TV, video games, or computers, after all homework and chores are completed. Even then, keep it short and monitor the content for age appropriateness.

10.  Encourage exercise. One hour of exercise is recommended every day for kids. Be sure to get kids outside and moving each evening, especially if they’ve been sitting most of the day.

Back to school time is always busy and hectic, but establishing good routines helps keep the entire family in a groove.

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